Halloween 2020 in Marbella: the night of terror

Halloween night 2020 is approaching, a special night that has been taking root in our society. This pagan festival is one of the most expected of the year, especially by the youngest.

A night destined to terror, but deep down it is pure fun and fantasy. The “trick or treat”, the costumes, the pumpkins and the decoration of this day colour the neighbourhoods.

Halloween 2020 in Marbella

With the new circumstances derived from COVID-19, this year we will have a special Haloween in Marbella. The City Council has organized the contest “Decorate your pumpkin”, with prizes for the 4 categories that there are, ordered by age.

Halloween origin

Coming from Celtic culture, the structure “All Hallows Eve” (All Saints’ Eve) will end up being known as “Halloween” or the night of the witches.

Villa in Marbella to enjoy Halloween night

In its beginnings, Haloween celebrated the end of the harvests in Ireland and the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The end of one year and the beginning of the other were related to the concept of death and rebirth.

Taking advantage of this special day, the Celts could invite their deceased friends and/or relatives to share the earthly world with them. But it was necessary to prevent evil spirits from sneaking in, hence the masks and disguises to scare them away.

The Legend of Jack the Irishman

Also known as Jack O’Lantern, this Irishman with reputation of being a rogue man, managed to trick the devil himself, locking him up in a coin. He finally negotiated with him and got 10 more years to live.

After his death, Jack had closed the doors of heaven for his morose life and those of hell for his dealings with the devil.

Costumes, lighting, pumpkins, cookies and lots of fun

The evolution of Halloween from the Celts to the present day has generated a multitude of changes. Influenced primarily by American culture, Halloween has turned into a fun holiday with terrifying motifs.

Ghost, nun, zombie, or pumpkin costumes have become the most popular in recent years. The decoration of pumpkins and the baking of cookies with terrifying motifs are also typical.

Home lighting

One of the most popular trends in recent years is the lighting of homes and gardens. The houses become real color shows.

Example of a house with Halloween lighting

House in Marbella to set up your Halloween lighting

Would you like to live in Marbella and set up Halloween lighting in your home? We show you a house with a wide façade, ideal for this type of staging.

Villa in La Alquería, with a wide facade, ideal for Halloween lighting

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